Going beyond ISOs

aradsky aradsky at ne.rr.com
Sat Jul 22 16:10:35 UTC 2006

After several years of running slow poke dialup, I have acquired the 
ability to download nearly 100 times faster so the first thing I did was 
download some ubuntus in its various forms.  Now that I have these ISOs, 
I'm anxious to burn some some CDs that can be put to use to install 
these goodies.

I've never before had a need to convert ISO to whatever form is needed 
to do the installations.
I'm running ubuntu 5.10 and have the 6.06 ISOs.  Is there information 
that I could get through my current ubuntu about burning bootable CDs 
from the 6.06 ISOs?

Could someone please summarize the steps for this process?  Details are 


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