Colour settings are wrong in Totem

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at
Wed Jul 19 12:47:11 UTC 2006

Colin, did you manage to get rid of the problem when you saw it? Maybe
if I reinstall all the xine and totem libraries, resetting the config
files too?

On 7/18/06, Colin Brace <cb at> wrote:
> On 7/18/06, Sean Hammond <sean.hammond at> wrote:
> > Just upgraded a laptop to Dapper. Replaced xine-ui with totem-xine.
> > When playing DVDs, the colour settings are all wrong, to get it to
> > look right we have to fiddle with the brightness, contrast, etc. We
> > can never get it quite right, and the required settings are different
> > for every movie.
> I've seen this problem as well, under Dapper as well as Breezy.
> Blown-out highlights and garish colors? You have to turn brightness
> way down?
> I've never figured what out caused it, nor why it seems to affect
> certain media players (xine et al) and not others (ie, vlc).
> Apparently the former share certain libraries and therefore use the
> same settings.
> --
>   Colin Brace
>   Amsterdam
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
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