How to Add a Shortcut to IRC Room on Desktop

Scott J. Henson scotth at
Tue Jul 18 22:20:31 UTC 2006

Gregory PiƱero wrote:
> Hi Experts!
> Sorry for such an elementary question but I can't figure it out.  How
> can I add a shortcut to my desktop (Ubuntu standard Gnome issue) so
> that I can click on it and it opens up X-Chat and takes me to the
> #Ubuntu chat?

Ive attached an example file.  Pretty much what your going 
to need is install xchat-gnome, edit the file to point to 
your server, port, and channel.  Then put that on your 
desktop and things should just work.

> (Bonus points for telling me how to do it on Xubuntu ;-)

Don't know about Xubuntu, but if it can exec .desktop files 
from the desktop then you should be fine.  .desktop is a 
cross DE standard and I would think that Xubuntu would 
follow it and know how to do things right, but i could be wrong.

Scott Henson
LCSEE Systems Staff
WVU MAE Undergraduate
Ubuntu User
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