Removing old kernel entries in GRUB boot loader menu

Brian Pack afcpack at
Tue Jul 18 17:18:53 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 18 July 2006 12:51, charlie derr wrote:
> Editing /boot/grub/menu.lst will make the choice disappear from your menu
> when you boot.
> If you really want to get rid of (an older) kernel version you can look at
> the entry you've commented out (or deleted) from /boot/grub/menu.lst and
> delete the vmlinuz file from wherever you've got the binaries stashed
> (often in /boot). good luck,
> 		~c
> Roobert wrote:
> > I have the exact same issue, I'm using a dual-boot Windows XP/Dapper
> > machine, and I've got about 5 or 6 kernel versions on my boot menu. How
> > do you go about uninstalling the older kernel versions?

A more elegant solution would be to go into adept or synaptic and uninstall 
the kernels you want to remove. the update-grub script runs when a kernel 
package is installed or removed. The removed kernels are automagically 
removed from menu.lst

It's been a while since I rolled my own kernel, so I can't say for 100% 
certain if this method works with a kernel you compiled yourself. If you 
compiled it using make-kpkg, it should work as above.
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