Dial up Modem Speed Adjustment
squareyes at internode.on.net
Tue Jul 18 01:39:15 UTC 2006
maxim wexler wrote:
> You were "told"? This is silly. Set the modem to
> whatever you like; it can only handle whatever stream
> it sees.
> I live at the end of an 8 mile phone line in the
> boonies. I've used many different dial-up modems of
> varying capabilites and never topped ~3kb/s.
> Sounds like you talked to somebody who only wanted to
> *appear* knowlegeable.
> --- squareyes <squareyes at internode.on.net> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> next weekend I am having a test done on my phone
>> line,
>> and I have been told I will have to change my modem
>> speed to
>> 19.2 kbs. I setup dial up connection with pppconfig,
>> my question is, is
>> there any simple way
>> to change this speed, or do I need to alter it in
>> pppconfig for this test.?
>> Many thanks in advance.
>> Take Care
>> Winton
>> Why do round pizzas come in square boxes?
>> --
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Hi Maxim,
been having major problems with downloads stopping, couldn't even get a
complete apt-get update sources list , every thing broken, .
Was told by phone company that they will do a "moules test" on line to
test data transfer, and that they will need modem set to 19.2kps, for
their test. Have no idea why this is necessary, but that is what they say,
Take Care
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