Wireless network on IBM T30

ben darby ben at cvrse.com
Sat Jul 15 23:33:56 UTC 2006

* Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au) wrote:
> - almost all buttons have an odd dotty pattern on them. They are
> readable and usable, and the pattern goes away if I roll the mouse over
> them, but it's an irritant. I seem to remember seeing something about
> this a few weeks ago, but can't recall what the solution was.

add this line to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file under the Devices section

Option “RenderAccel” “false”

> - why do icons on the desktop now need a double-click to start? The
> panel icons don't. gconf-editor shows single-click checked.

the KDE default is single click to open where GNOME is double, and i
assume you were running KDE coming from SUSE? I cant remember where(or
if) this behaviour can be changed from within GNOME, however there will 
probably be other things that annoy you moving from KDE such as not
being able to close the window by double clicking the window menu that
cant be changed, i just got used to them however u might not be willing
to make that trade off, KDE can be installed painlessly through the
kubuntu-desktop package.

> - how do I install different wireless drivers? I know how to do it the
> hard way, I'm hoping there's an Ubuntu way :-) The orinoco-pci drivers
> never worked well on the T30 (and the interface doesn't work at all at
> the moment). I want to install the hostap drivers. Oddly enough BOTH
> seem to be loaded after install, maybe that's the problem. Maybe the
> question is "how do I make Ubunto use the hostap drivers?" I know the
> orinoco drivers are in use at the moment, because the interface is
> called "eth1". If the hostap drivers were in use, it would be called
> "wlan0".

if you just want to stop the module from loading at boot time add it to
the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, and manually insert the new drivers to
test it out. 
> And I suppose I'm going to have to go get all the restricted codecs for
> music and DVD again, and and and.... sigh. I know why it's that way, but
> it's a hassle.

its all documented in the one place to make it painless getting
everything to how it should be. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats

ben darby <ben at cvrse.com>

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