download whole web pages/sites to view off-line

Henk Postma henkpm at
Fri Jul 14 17:40:04 UTC 2006

Hi Dimitri!

On 7/13/06, Dimitri Mallis <dimitri.mallis at> wrote:
> is there a program the can download whole webpages just like "teleport
> pro" could, so that i can view the pages off line

httrack seems a good choice, but I want to chime in with a different solution.

Have a look at plucker (sudo apt-get install plucker plucker-desktop).

This pulls a webpage with a predefined level of recursion, and
including images or not, and dump it in a single file. This greatly
reduces clutter on your harddrive, and makes it much more portable.
You would then use FBreader (, to
read the page. Hyperlinks etc are retained and remain functional.

Plucker can be run with a gui, or noninteractively from the command line.

You could even transfer the .pdb to your palm and read it there.

-- Henk

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