mod_python and .py

Michael Beattie mtbeedee at
Fri Jul 14 14:40:48 UTC 2006

I am trying to set up my apache2 server to handle .py files in my root
directory with mod_python.  I have the Directory directive with the
things enabled...

<Directory /var/www/>
                Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AddHandler mod_python .py
                PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
                PythonDebug On

I have tried various settings and I cant seem to get it to handle .py
with mod_python.  If I change the file to .cgi, it starts handling it
as CGI which is great, but it's not what I want.  What directives do I
need that I am missing here?

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