So, we're up to 180MB in updates.

Chanchao custom at
Fri Jul 14 09:25:50 UTC 2006

' Had to change over to a new laptop... Always love installing Ubuntu..

Turns out though that, starting from a new CD, we're up to 180MB of
updates right after installation.

I wonder if in the official ISO site will get an updated image that
includes recent updates any time soon?  180MB is not totally feasible
for everyone in the world on any connection to download..

And also some of the updates are for software that's perhaps less than
essential to keep at the bleeding edge, say, GIMP?  Still I don't like
to see that orange 'Updates Available' icon all the time, it bugs me not
being updated, so I compulsively want to download everything, including
GIMP, even though I don't really use it.. :)


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