Ipod problem: Could it be power?

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 02:05:13 UTC 2006

Ylan Segal wrote:
> So, my current hypothesis is that my laptop is not supplying enough
> power to the ipod and this causes the ipod to hang. I have just ordered
> a new USB powered hub and plan to test it as soon as I get it. For good
> measure, I also bought a firewire 6pin-4pin connector and I will try to
> connect my ipod that way, instead of usb. Currently, I can't think of
> anything else to try.

So the hardware came in the mail today. 

First Try: Plugged hub into usb port. System log shows it as recognized.
Plug in iPod... nothing. Ipod doesn't know its plugged and the computer
doesn't see it either. Weird. So, I test the hub with other usb devices
(mouse, pen drive, etc) and same thing. Nothing. Dapper doesn't see them.
To rule out bad hardware, I plug the hub into my wife's xp box and, lo and
behold, them same devices work perfectly. Argh!!! Seems like linux doesn't
like this hub. 

Second try: Use the firewire cable! I connect the ipod, its auto-mounted and
away we go. I try to copy some files from it, only to find out that I get
the same Buffer I/O errors as before and the process hangs. I try
unplugging the ipod, at which point the whole computer freezes. Nothing
works. No mouse, no keyboard, no anything. I had to turn off in that state
and reboot. 

I also tried recompiling the kernel without EFI support (again) since a new
one has been released ( since the last time I tried it. I still
get Buffer I/O errors with USB and firewire and unplugging while on
firewire also crashed the whole computer. 

So, in summary. My new hub doesn't work on dapper but does on windows. My
ipod still doesn't work when plugged directly into my latop and firewire
doesn't work either *and* hangs the whole computer when I try it. 

It seems to me that my usb internal hardware doesn't work well with the
current kernel. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get started with a
solution? Where should I direct this? Kernel developers?

About the only good thing that has happened lately, linux-wise, is that I am
really liking kde and I got Kpilot to sync with my ipod in about 5 minutes
(alhough my usb mouse stopped working after the second sync... here we go

As always, any suggestion on how to proceed are much appreciated. 


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