gnome reminder

Alexandre Franke alexandre.franke at
Thu Jul 13 23:11:53 UTC 2006

On 7/13/06, Dimitri Mallis <dimitri.mallis at> wrote:
> i know this is going 2 sound very stupid to a lot of people, but i
> spend all my day infron of a computer & get so consumed whith what i
> am doing that i forget other inportant things i should do... these are
> really really basic things & this will make a lot of people laugh, but
> i sometimes completely for get to eat a few meals, e.i i dont eat
> lunch & supper, i just do what im doing & then get too tierd to cook
> or make food. another thing i forget to do is make phone calls.
> is there a program the can just be a reminder only, not bundeled up
> with a e-mail client or anything like that. so that i could input
> things like:
> 13:00 - eat lunch
> 15:00 - go to gym
> 17:00 - call billy-bob
> & then it will ringe the system bell & shake the sceen untill i press
> a OK button

Maybe gtodo will do the trick, you should give it a try.
Also there's an option in gnome's screensaver settings to remind users
that they should have a break. There you can for instance force lock
screen for a few minutes every hour :-)

Alexandre Franke
GNU/Linux user #390077

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