Limiting my own network throughput

Scott J. Henson scotth at
Thu Jul 13 14:23:35 UTC 2006

Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Hi,
> Here at work we have a fairly fat network pipe, shared amongst 100+
> people. The local BOFH would prefer it if I didn't max out the pipe with
> daily updates :-) He's a friend and doesn't want micro-manage the
> network so he trusts me to do the right thing  .
> I can live with updates coming through at 2kB/sec or thereabouts and
> mail/web coming through at full speed. What would be the easiest way to
> implement this kind of network throttling where it's still under my
> control?
> alan

I think what you want is qos queuing.  I prefer shorewall to 
manage my firewalling rules.  As such I would recommend 
looking at the following webpage.

I would think you would want to limit bandwidth to the 
mirror you use.  Or you could limit what apt can use, though 
using the dest would be easier.

Alternatively, if there are a lot of people using Ubuntu on 
your network, you could have a local mirror you sync down to 
and update against it.

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