Ubuntu is not free.

Andrew Zajac arzajac at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 18:49:26 UTC 2006

On 7/12/06, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
> How did you take what Alan said and what Dotan & I said in response, agree,
> and yet say the opposite of what we said? :-)

It's called "the Jedi mind trick" and it *never* fails.

Actually, the paragraph about how there are already many hardware
choices for linux users and that I agree that hardware vendors who do
not support linux need to be advised why they didn't get my sale,
somehow didn't make the journey from my brain to my keyboard.

> > That's the way to get vendors to listen - not my petitions, or writing
> > nasty letters but buying power.  Hardware vendors are not interested
> > in how many users will write letters, but how many users will buy
> > their products.
> That's the bottom line, but if you don't write those letters (and they need
> to be _letters_ - phone calls or face-to-face communications don't get
> recorded.  Emails may, but hardcopy letters _always_ do) they don't know
> _why_ their competition is more successful.  Boycotting is useless unless
> the company knows it's being boycotted.

I don't think it needs to be anything more than they way the market
already works.  I think letters and phonecalls will never be more
effective than a vendor chosing to sell one product over another
similar product because of the fact that it has better linux support.

And vendors will make that choice pretty easily if that's what their
clients want.


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