Ubuntu is not free.

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Wed Jul 12 07:41:13 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 23:03 +0100, lastexyle wrote:
> This "Free software only" ("free" meaning "GPL") mentality is exactly
> what's holding Linux back and keeping it off the desktops of everyone
> but enthusiasts. 

I've heard this line so many times I'm getting sick of hearing it.
Here's the alternate view, and to my mind the more correct one:

The sole ONLY reason Linux exists AT ALL today is because of that very
mentality. You have a free OS you can use because a great many people
over many years point blank refused to accept any other option than free
as in Libre.

If you taint it, it won't be free for long. We have made huge strides
recently in freeing the OS from proprietary technologies, it can only
improve from here. When big names in this industry like IBM, Sun, Novell
start to pay attention to the principles of free software, we know we
are onto a good thing.

The system ain't broke, don't fix it.


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