Strange segfaults from basic commands

Steve Kratz stevek at
Mon Jul 10 16:42:22 UTC 2006

Something happened to a Dapper server this weekend (I wasn't able to
track things down at all...). Here's the symptoms:

Several basic commands (df, mkdir to name two of them) immediately
display a segfault when executing them. e2fsck shows no corruption on
the root (/) drive. I scp'd a copy of mkdir from another Dapper box,
still segfaulted.

The box has no outside access from the internet, so I doubt any security
breaches happened. All updates were run on it. mkdir appears to be
critical on startup (init.d/rc has mkdir /var/network, etc., so it would
boot with no network access at all!)

Any thoughts?

(The server was mission-critical, so I had to re-install the OS quickly
so our database could continue running)

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