soft raid x fake raid

David Abrahams dave at
Mon Jul 10 13:37:59 UTC 2006

Felipe Figueiredo <philsf at> writes:

> David,
> (Oh! what the trouble it is not to hijack a thread)
> On Monday 10 July 2006 02:42, David Abrahams wrote:
>> Unfortunately, doing a proper bug report for the LVM-over-softraid
>> would mean blowing away my Fedora installation -- which is now running
>> LVM over dmraid **out of the box**.  Or I suppose I could try it on an
>> old laptop that sits idle.  But honestly, I don't think you can miss
>> the problems.
> Isn't it dmraid used to access those "RAID" features on modern mobos? AFAICT 
> ([1] and [2]) most of the BIOSes available actually don't do hardware raid, 
> but fakeraid.
> Did you compare dmraid with a fully software raid, with mdadm for
> instance? 

I looked around for information and found somewhere comprehensive
benchmarks comparing all these solutions (sorry, can't dig it up).
FakeRAID performance varies widely across manufacturers, and NVidia
came out respectably.

> If they are comparable, I would prefer stick with the winning team
> (in my case, mdadm).

Except that I can't get the install to work, I'm with you.

> Is this (BIOS fakeraid) the case in your box?

It is NVRaid, which is a form of BIOS raid.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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