oh no! Destroyed my admin account using USERMOD :(

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at verizon.net
Mon Jul 10 04:31:30 UTC 2006

Gabriel M Dragffy wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to add my default superuser to the nogroup group. I couldn't 
> find a gui tool in gnome so I read the man page of usermod. I ran the 
> command    $sudo usermod -Gnogroup gabe
> I thought this would have added me to the group but it seems to have 
> removed all the other groups and now I can't do anything with my 
> computer. I still have a terminal open so I can run sudo for the next 
> fifteen minutes, and I'm going to set a root password. Could someone 
> please tell me the default groups that the superuser is in?
> Then I will add my user back in. Please respond quickly!!
> Gabe 
I'm already too late, so I hope you got that root password set.

Here are the groups my user is in:

$ groups
mtkuiken adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin 
scanner admin fuse windrvusers

mtkuiken is my user name, and I'm pretty sure I created the windrvusers 
group.  Other than that, I think it is the default set.


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