Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?
mitch epling
m_epling at comcast.net
Mon Jul 10 02:34:16 UTC 2006
i have switched 3 years ago and never looked back
use_real_email_ulist at ohiggins.ubuntu.com wrote:
> DC Parris;534091 Wrote:
>> This is something of a quick straw poll. I'd like to know how many
>> people
>> have actually replaced Windows with Ubuntu Linux. If you have not
>> replaced Windows altogether (i.e., you're still dual-booting), there's
>> no
>> need to respond. I'm really only interested in hearing from those who
>> have completely replaced Windows.
>> Thanks in advance for your time.
>> Don
>> --
>> DC Parris Libre Software Advocate
>> http://matheteuo.org/
>> "Hey man, whatever pickles your list!"
>> --
>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>> ubuntu-users (AT) lists (DOT) ubuntu.com
>> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
> I have completely replaced windows recently. I replaced it on a
> Athlon64 +3000, 250GB SATA HDD, GeForce 6600 TF PCIe, 1GB PC3200 RAM.
> With my windows machine I've done lots of sound production, lots of web
> development(php)/designing, and played lots of games :cool:.
> So, why did I change? I changed because of costs, plummeting myself
> rapidly in the IT world for a career, and realizing I'll be building a
> separate machine someday for windows. Note that I'll only be building a
> separate windows machine to help me in IT and because I may need
> something I can't do in Linux.
> Granted I haven't been with linux for very long but I'm loving it so
> far. I'm all setup and done everything I did on Windows except game.
> Somehow, I got sick of gaming. Nothing seems to be fun anymore but one
> text based game called gemstone hehe.
> Why did I choose Ubuntu? Lots of reasons that seem to add up more so
> than others. It has forums and great community support, completely
> free, based on another highly popular o/s (didn't choose debian because
> things seemed outdated and dead around there), updated frequently (I
> know that's not always beneficial), and humanity to others! When it
> said linux for human beings it reminded me of sophisticated software
> designed so well seemingly anyone can use it yet it's so powerful... or
> at least an article talking about accomplishing that.
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