hardware raid solutions?

ubuntu at rio.vg ubuntu at rio.vg
Sun Jul 9 23:40:27 UTC 2006

Eric S. Johansson wrote:
>>> I also want to write an article called "pimp my raid" and I know
>>> exactly what the case is going to look like.  Clear plexiglass, fans
>>> with LEDs in them, activity lights in a row across the top of the
>>> case, purple fluorescent lights in the bottom.  
>> And a flat-panel TV with nintendo inside the case door, for when you
>> get bored?
> ahem.  That flat panel display is for monitoring "system health"...
> I'm also seriously thinking about trying to score a couple of those iPod 
> speakers in clear plastic and mount them on either side of the array. 
> This array will be so tricked out...

Know what time it is?  Time to unpimp ze raid!





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