Deinstall package *INCLUDING* all dependencies

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Sun Jul 9 00:30:38 UTC 2006

On 7/8/06, Stephen R Laniel <steve at> wrote:
> deborphan is conservative, in that it only removes packages
> whose names begin with 'lib', but it gets you most of the
> way to cleanliness. And I guess aptitude will help from now
> on.

I'd like to confirm the conservatism of deborphan because when I run
it, I get this:

cbell at circe:~$ deborphan
cbell at circe:~$

None of these start with lib and while I think it'd be great to remove
libs that nothing depends on, but it's looking like deborphan (as I
see here, run without any "human eyes paying attention") will
eventually peel off every package on the machine like an onion.


"I trust the Democrats to take away my money, which I can afford.  I
trust the Republicans to take away my freedom, which I cannot."

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