When is a new kernel released?

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 21:03:29 UTC 2006

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-07-08 at 14:55 -0300, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
>> And if something changes, 
>> it won't be in a 2.6 family. 
> AFAIK, 2.6.17 requires at least new module-init-tools and udev. People
> need to wrap their head around the fact that it's not 2000 anymore. The
> kernel development model has changed (Linus doesn't even consider
> vanilla kernels really stable anymore), and the distros have become way
> more complicated.

Well, I for one, don't know much about kernels... except that 1) I need
one and 2) 2.6.17 /may/ solve some problems for me. I don't even know
what udev and module-init-tools are.

Anyway, I downloaded the vanilla kernel from kernel.org (,
copied the configuration from the standard ubuntu 686 kernel (
and compiled using make-kpkg. I obtained and installed debian packages
for my vanilla kernel and headers.

If anyone needs more info on the specifics of this, let me know, though
I am no expert and just followed instruction found elsewhere).

I rebooted using that kernel. I didn't see a splash screen or progress
for each service started, but after a few seconds I saw the gdm login
screen. Everything appears to run just fine with that kernel, including
my wireless connection. I think that the performance was better opening
applications, but it might be suggestive thinking, since I read that
there where performance improvements for ext3.

The vanilla kernel seems to run fine, but it didn't fix my iPod issues
(Looks at the sky and declares: Damn it! When will this wild goose chase

Thanks fo everyone's help, I will post in the ipod thread again
regarding that issue.


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