
Alexander Skwar listen at
Fri Jul 7 22:03:48 UTC 2006

Carl Karsten schrieb:
> Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> Carl Karsten schrieb:
>>> " mentions the GNOME Clipboard Daemon as a solution to 
>>> some of the problems with cut and paste operations under the X window 
>>> system. "
>>> Where can I get it?
>> Isn't that integrated in Gnome? I mean, I can easily select a text
>> in GEdit, hit <ctrl>+<c> to *copy* it to the clipboard and then close
>> GEdit. The text will still be there - on systems without Gnome/KDE/...,
>> <ctrl>+<c> wouldn't do anything and if the application were closed which
>> had the selected text, it wouldn't be pasteable in another application.
> What I am really trying to do is get text from stdout into an email (like this 
> one) using something like xclip.

Ah! See, it always helps to describe your problem :)

To do something like this, I sometimes use xsel from
<>, which you can find
in Universe.

>   seems xclip uses one clipboard, and 
> Thunderbird (and OOWriter) uses another.

I don't know xclip.

> you can also see this with gnome-terminal, vi - Shift+Insert and right click + 
> paste have different clipboards.

Depends on what you do. In gnome-terminal, when I *select* a text and then
hit <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<c> (or Edit -> Copy), I can then <shift>+<insert>
the text in gvim. In vim under Gnome Terminal, <shift>+<insert> doesn't
do anything for me - maybe, because I disabled the key shortcuts.

Alexander Skwar
Vaterland nennt der Staat immer dann, wenn er sich anschickt, auf
Menschenmord auszugehen.
                 -- Friedrich Dürrenmatt (Romulus der Große)

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