finding packages installed from a 3rd party repository

Florian Diesch diesch at
Wed Jul 5 01:43:05 UTC 2006

Karl Goetz <kamping_kaiser at> wrote:

> I'm trying to find all packages i installed from a certain 3rd party
> repository, as i think they are causing some instability.
> i suspect there is something in the apt toolkit, but I'm not sure what
> it is. any pointers? :)

I didn't find anything ready to use. This one-liner finds all packages
not provided by Ubuntu (at least it does on my system):

 echo $(dpkg --get-selections|cut -f1|xargs apt-cache show| \
 egrep '^(Package|Origin):'|sed -e's/^\(Package: .*\)/\\n\1/')| \
 grep -v 'Origin: Ubuntu'

It uses the fact that all Ubuntu packages have a field "Origin: Ubuntu"
in their description (as shown by apt-cache show). If your 3rd party has
any uniq field you may do something similar.


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