preseed failing to turn off apt proxy setting on install.

Daryl Sayers daryl at
Wed Jul 5 06:05:38 UTC 2006

I am having a problem with preseed and proxys. I have a local 'approx'
apt server and I point my /preseed/mypreseed.seed info to this server
then remaster a ubuntu-7.06-alternate-i386.iso CD. Here are some of
the settings:

d-i	    mirror/country          string enter information manually
d-i     mirror/http/hostname    string
d-i     mirror/http/directory   string /ubuntu
d-i     mirror/suite            string dapper
d-i     mirror/http/proxy       string 

I also point the security stuff to my server as well.

d-i apt-setup/security_host string

All seems to install fine till it gets to the security checks. I get a
red screen that advises it Cannot access security updates. Pressing OK
will allow the install to continue. When complete and a reboot done
I can log in and when I check /etc/apt/apt.conf I see the line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "true";

I dont want a Proxy server, so why was this set. When I remove this Proxy
line from /etc/apt/apt.conf all seems to work fine.

So my question is:
On my remastered CD how can I override this setting in the preseed file. 

Daryl Sayers                             Direct: +612 95525510
Corinthian Engineering                   Office: +612 95525500
Suite 54, Jones Bay Wharf                   Fax: +612 95525549
26-32 Pirrama Rd                          email: daryl at
Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia                  www:

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