Grub set up

Richard E. Barmann reb68 at
Tue Jul 4 14:52:14 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 04 July 2006 10:12 am, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 09:52 -0400, Richard E. Barmann wrote:
> > Yes the 20G drive is the slave. I just pulled the drives and checked
> > the set
> > up and jumpers. The 20G (windows) is the slave and the 80G (linux) is
> > definitely the master. I did switch them after installing windows on
> > the 20G
> > but  left them as they are now. 80G hda master linux/20G hdb slave
> > windows.
> Switch them back the way they were just after the windows install.
> Windows is unlikely to ever work with it's drives switched. Step 1 is to
> get windows working first, so see if it boots. The grub file you gave a
> post or two back has the right commands, if that doesn't work try again
> but make rootnoverify (hd0,0) instead of (hd1,0).
I put the 20G Windows drive back as master (changed the jumper abd IDE cable 
position) and put the 80G back as slave (also chnged jumper and IDE position) 
When I tried to boot I got
"NTLDR is missing" Had to change it backto orgiganal to boot and Email this.
> Then get Linux to boot, this is the easy part as if the existing menu
> entry doesn;t work you just edit the line within grub, it even has
> command line completion so you can pick the right kernel files. The
> structure of the existing file is correct, you may have to tweak the
> root entries to get the correct drive.
> Remember to write down the settings you use that work as you will have
> to edit menu.lst once Linux is running to make these changes permanent.
> Last step is to edit /etc/fstab if (and only if) it can't find the
> correct partitions to mount - you'll get many errors if this is the case
> so you can;t miss it ;-)
> alan

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