Why is OpenOffice slow?

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sun Jul 2 13:43:30 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-07-02 at 21:21 +0800, Michael T. Richter wrote:
> I think this is an artifact of X.  X is a bloated pig in comparison
> even to Windows (!). 

It isn't. It has been demonstrated time after time that with good
drivers (e.g. nvidia's) you get the same or better framerates than in

>  I've always found X to be sluggish (since my days on Sun workstations
> in the dark ages).  Get some of the lighter window managers (XFCE,
> fluxbox, etc.) and it's OK, but the full-featured ones? 

You are confusing X and the toolkits. The issue is more that the
toolkits (it seems especially gtk+) use X in a way that is not optimal.
This is a problem of X only insofar as it gives the freedom to do so by
separating mechanism and policy. This is especially noticable with
remote X connections. Wikipedia has a nice writeup:

>  Painful.  For example I can't reliably drag things.  X will get so
> screwed up refreshing the window/icon/whatever of the object I'm
> dragging that the mouse "loses" the item. 

I haven't ever seen this behavior in the 10 years I've been using X

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