RMS, Free software and the Ubuntu CDs

Dean Linkous dean.linkous at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 2 01:33:35 UTC 2006

--- "Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:

> specific wording to notice that nobody is taking
> away credit for his
> contribution!  And then, hypocritically, he's not
> giving credit to
> several other major contributors who made free
> software what it is
> today, most noticeably the Xorg crowd.

I dont think he cares about someone taking the credit
for his contribution. He is just adamant about GNU and
Freedom and feels it is his responsibilty to champion
those things because those that do are rare. If
someone was trumpeting X I am sure he would give them
their say as well. But nobody is going to forget X,
nobody is going to forget linux but people may easily
forget GNU and freedom unless some 'nut' is standing
up there going on and on about it like a lunatic. It
would easily be looked over by newbies who wouldnt
know that GNU and freedom and are VERY important.
Wouldn't know that without GNU and software freedoms
that we would be back in the same boat.

Okay, now I am carrying on. :)

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