RMS, Free software and the Ubuntu CDs

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Sat Jul 1 15:54:52 UTC 2006

jean gruneberg wrote:
>> What about XP? On XP, you cannot watch DVDs out-of-the-box. And MP3 - I
>> don't know.
> Well with the added dvd player bundled with the dvd drive

Fine. So, you're saying that XP is better than Ubuntu, as XP can playback
DVDs after installing third party software, whereas in Ubuntu, you
need to install 3rd party software to playback DVDs?

Doesn't sound *too* logical to me.

> altho' all 
> laptops with preimaged disks have dvd playback out the box.

Same for Linux boxes. PLEASE: Only compare apples to apples! Ie.
compare an out-of-the-box Windows XP with an out-of-the-box Ubuntu.

>  media 
> player has played mp3 for some time now.


Alexander Skwar
Dead?	No excuse for laying off work.

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