RMS, Free software and the Ubuntu CDs

jean gruneberg kaosboss at gmail.com
Sat Jul 1 11:43:36 UTC 2006

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-07-01 at 11:43 +0200, jean gruneberg wrote:
>> Time to move forward.  There will always be companies that have closed
>> source drivers - live with it. 
> Well, RMS and others could have said the same in 1984. "Having a free
> system is wishful thinking, get over it. Time to move forward and use
> Windows/MacOS/Unix"
I'm not saying move to windows, what I want to say is that if someone 
has a closed source driver that is a killer app (mp3 / dvd etc) standing 
on the moral high ground is actually going to get you no where.  The 
average joe public just wants the computer to work, period.  Doesn't 
give a rats behind about open source / closed source / proprietary.... 
It just must work, so whilst we cling to the doctrine Windows dominance 
will be further entrenched.

If we want Linux to move out of the shadows, the system must be fool 
proof and complete out of the box.  Telling the people to use this 
wonderful FLOSS product and then send him to the forums to find out 
about Automatix / EasyUbuntu to make it usable is silly.  A significant 
number of the Ubuntu 6.06 reviews mention Automatix or EasyUbuntu as the 
first stop after installation.  Silly as far as I am concerned.

The notion is noble but ultimately will be Linux's Achilles heel


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