AMD Dual Core CPU's

Yuki Cuss celtic at
Tue Jan 31 11:31:33 UTC 2006

Billy Verreynne (JW) wrote:

> Sasha Tsykin wrote:
> > maybe Microsoft games (as directx is a Microsoft library). In 
> general the
> > graphics card is more limiting.
> [snip]
> > Incidentally, please stop insulting me.
> I'm an amenable old fart Sasha... but talking technical bs is the 
> -one- thing that makes me reach for my lead pipe. Don't think I will 
> let technical bs just slide.
This is useless, does not contribute to ubuntu-users. Take this up with 
one another, or stop discussing it.

Least of all does this have to do with the AMD dual core CPUs (and still 
their relevance to Ubuntu).

 - Yuki.

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