Triple-boot? -- XP Pro/ubuntu [or kubuntu]/Mandriva
john levin
john at
Mon Jan 30 18:33:34 UTC 2006
Chuck Mattsen wrote:
> On Monday 30 January 2006 11:52, john levin wrote:
> jl> Just boot from the Ubuntu install cd, taking care to read the screen
> jl> when it comes to partitioning. There should be a 'use empty space'
> jl> option, and that's where Ubuntu will install itself. I believe it will
> jl> also spot and use the swap partition (as swap, natch), and should detect
> jl> the Mandriva install, although I can't vouch for that. It'll certainly
> jl> find the WinXP partition. (The only time I have had two linux installs
> jl> on one drive was dual booting dapper and breezy.)
> I guess the main question here is: If it becomes apparent at that point
> (partitioning) that Ubuntu is going to make a change that I don't approve of,
> can one still easily back out then and no damage done? Or have any
> potentially annoying changes taken place already at that point? I'm assuming
> the prior, but not having Ubuntu/Kubuntu experience beyond playing with the
> LiveCDs, thought I'd better doublecheck.
The important thing here is to read the screens carefully. There is a
warning screen, after you've made your choices, that says 'If you
continue, the changes listed below will be written to disks.'
That's the point of no return
> jl> You may want the two linuxes to share the home partition, although 9.7gb
> jl> is more than enough for ubuntu with kde and lots more besides, if you do
> jl> that.
> Well, ultimately, I want to wipe the Mandriva install, once I have
> successfully migrated my main apps and data to Ubuntu/Kubuntu. In the
> interim, though, would there not be potential conflicts having two active
> distros sharing the same /home data?
Sharing the home directory is fine, although there can be conflicts if
two different distros share the same user/s.
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