Triple-boot? -- XP Pro/ubuntu [or kubuntu]/Mandriva
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Mon Jan 30 18:23:02 UTC 2006
> Am 30.01.2006, 18:52 Uhr, schrieb john levin <john at>:
> Chuck Mattsen wrote:
>> I currently have a dual-boot XP Pro/Mandriva cooker setup, but I want
>> to install Ubuntu (or Kubuntu) while leaving both XP and Mdv intact.
>> I've searched around, and see scattered references here and there to
>> setting up a triple-boot setup, but nothing [yet] that's dumbed-down
>> enough for me, as I tend to freak out when it comes to the lower-level
>> stuff like partitioning, file systems, manually modifying lilo, etc.
>> Anyone have a pointer/URL to a decent, basic walk-through for setting
>> up a triple-boot? (Keeping in mind that my skills and knowledge are
>> rather limited and basic.)
> Just boot from the Ubuntu install cd, taking care to read the screen
> when it comes to partitioning. There should be a 'use empty space'
> option, and that's where Ubuntu will install itself. I believe it will
> also spot and use the swap partition (as swap, natch), and should detect
> the Mandriva install, although I can't vouch for that. It'll certainly
> find the WinXP partition. (The only time I have had two linux installs
> on one drive was dual booting dapper and breezy.)
about triple boot i would like to know too.
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