xfce desktop

Julio Biason julio.biason at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 01:20:50 UTC 2006

On 28/01/06, Frank McCormick <fmccormick at videotron.ca> wrote:
>         I was getting a little tired of Gnome dragging my system down (450 mhz Pentium 3 with half a gig of memory) so I thought I'd install XFCE. So I did. Was fooling around with the panel settings when lo and behold the panel disappeared. Can't get it back either. Is this a bug? or did I do something dumb?

Probably it crashed. Or simply got away from the session. I got that
with xfdesktop.

Try calling xfpanel (or xfpanel4, I can't remember the correct name)
to bring it back and then logout, saving the session. That should
bring it back.

Julio Biason <julio.biason at gmail.com>

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