Easy solution for Root password problem

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 13:14:39 UTC 2006

Richard Dennis Colbert Jr wrote:
> There is a real easy way to enable Nautilus to run as root using the 
> sudo command using a Launcher on your desktop. Here is how to do it:
> 1.) Go to an open space on your desktop and RIGHT MOUSE CLICK
> 2.) Left click on "Create Launcher"
> 3.) Entire the following information:
>    Name: Nautilus (run as root)
>    Generic Name: Nautilus
>    Comment: Launches Nautilus as root using the sudo command
>    Command: sudo /usr/bin/nautilus
a slight change: if you type gksudo instead of sudo, then you won't have 
to make it run in terminal, because this uses the graphical sudo 
password entry, like what you see when you load synaptic, for example.
>    Type: Application
>    Icon: what ever you want to use
> 4.) Check the "Run in terminal" option, otherwise it will time out 
> waiting for a password. This option will open a terminal, ask for a 
> password, then once entered open Nautilus as root. Once you close 
> Nautilus the terminal window closes automatically.
> **NOTE: be careful with the files and permissions when using Nautilus 
> as root! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! **


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