trojan problem (password protection)

Matthias Heiler heiler at
Fri Jan 27 13:05:09 UTC 2006

"Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at> writes:

> On Fri, 2006-27-01 at 11:35 +0100, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
> > There is some debate about your last statement. Some people say you
> > should write your difficult password down. It makes it more likely you
> > will use a good one that is hard or impossible to remember.
> Use a decent password management system (strongly encrypted) and it's
> not an issue.  Store the most convoluted passwords you can come up with
> in it and encrypt it so people can't look at them.  Then you only have
> one password to memorise -- the one for your vault -- and the rest come
> out when you need them.

If you have a trojan logging your keystrokes you give away _all_ of
your complicated, strongly encrypted passwords at once.


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