Strengths focus and editing - Was: Windows, OSX, Linux - new debate- Which is best?

Phillip Sc. Boegh psb at
Fri Jan 27 13:04:34 UTC 2006

Hi everyone positive people

>> Please stop making `debate' topics.
I see no reason to make a debate - the winner is clear anyway ;-)

But I need, actually, very clear description why different people use
Linux, and maybe that was my really reason to start the thread.

>> If you prefer to simply state strengths, name it so. We all like that. :)
That is too poor a reason to claim!

>> There's no need for any more flame warring here.
I do agree, that is not the purpose at all!

If YOU mean you like to find focus on the strenghts then go for positive
criticize and editing this:

Why use Linux?

Linux Operative System (OS) is a head in front of our competitor(s) because:

1.Linux is a Society organized community that helps people to be
self-reliant. Only support without involvement is normally commercial.

2.Linux OS is a very secure system: You do not in general work as
administrator on your system, no or few viruses exist, easy firewall
system and fast updates secure against hackers. Other OpenSource partners
like Apache guarantee secure servers too.

3.Even PC-equipment that is outdated for the resource-consuming
competitors OS still work very efficient with Linux. Easy specializing also
for old desktops.

4.New Linux programs and backward convertible programms are constantly
developed (for also old PCs).

5.Very easy to maintain the software (basically 2 command-lines to update
ALL software).

6.As OS and most software of the Linux OS will remain open source and free
for ever (According to the GNU GPL license:

7.The whole OpenSource society is very widespread – mostly on servers (70%
of market share), but is increasingly going to desktop also (Linux OS from
0.1% - 3.5% in 5 years. Data per 1. of october 2005)

-- And if you like to get further with your computer? :::

8.You continue to learn more how your computer works with the Linux OS due
to error codes you can copy and search for on the Internet - compared to
unexplainable collapse of the competitors errors.

9.The open source code of Linux guarantee a continuous development and you
can legally manipulate everything yourself (and distribute it as a new
distribution ;-).

10.Not only International English but the Linux society work on making
support really international for “all languages”.*

11.You can precipitate in development of low to high level applications
and translations – which often result in well-paid jobs.

12. ???? you to add.



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