trojan problem

albi albi at
Fri Jan 27 12:23:27 UTC 2006

On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 11:31:00AM +0000, Anders Karlsson wrote:

> Linux is not invulnerable to virii, and there are hundreds of virii
> for Linux, 

really ? where did you find/read/hear this information ?

> they just do not spread so easily. Because Windows has a
> much larger install base, and usually less cluefull users, virii
> writers targets Windows because the reward is bigger.

i don't know about the latest MS-windows versions but in the past
the difference between admin (root) and normal users was non-existing
in MS-windows, which is one reason that viruses can take down a whole
MS-windows machine

in linux there has always been a very strict difference between root
and normal users, if a user would come across a virus it would not take
control over the whole machine

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