Why is xorg ignoring the frequencies I give it?

Andy Grove andy.grove at codefutures.com
Thu Jan 26 08:05:43 UTC 2006

I asked a vague question yet about getting ubuntu to work with my monitor
and got no replies - probably because I didn't give enough detail for anyone
to help. Here is a more specific version of the question. 


I have installed ubuntu 5.10 on a Dell PowerEdge SC 420 machine with a Sony
SDM-S204 20" LCD monitor. On boot up the monitor gave me a frequency out of
range message.


I ran the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command and it seems to
recognize everything ok and set the correct frequencies (28-92KHz
horizontal, 48-85Hz vertical) but on restarting xorg the monitor again tells
me that the frequency is out of range (70.5 KHz / 87Hz).


So basically, xorg appears to be completely ignoring the HorizSync and
VertRefresh settings in the xorg.conf file.


Does anyone have any advice on getting around this problem?


Many thanks,




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