openoffice calc problem
lvgandhi at
Thu Jan 26 02:14:39 UTC 2006
I have a spreadsheet in xls format with four sheets. Three sheets sre
independent sheets. One sheet has summary refrence to other sheet. If
I open first three sheets, I face no problem. If I open 4th sheet 1)I
don't see sheet tab and also horizontal scrool bar. 2)If I use
vertical scroll bar I get the row number display.
snapshot1.png is independent sheet showing sheet tab bar and
horizantal scroll bar.
snapshot2.png 4th sheet as opened and vertical scroll used. no
horizantal scroll, no sheet tab and row number disturbed. Any idea why
it happens? whether sheet dependency works or not. It is ok in oo1.3
in sarge. this problem occurs in oo2 in breezy.
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