Can't install breezy on Dell Dimension

Duncan Lithgow duncan at
Wed Jan 25 22:37:58 UTC 2006

Gregg Fowler wrote:

> Where did you get your disk? It doesn't sound like the disk is 
> bootable. I doubt seriously that it is a Dell problem as there is 
> nothing that would make it react differently than any other PC. Did 
> you burn the disk yourself from an ISO? Did you burn the disk as an 
> image? Sounds as if it is either a problem with the disk or the Bios, 
> unless your CD player is just not reading properly. I am not expert by 
> a long shot, but I believe it not to be a Dell specific.

I burned the disk myself, and have used it before. As I say it doesn't 
seem to be trying to boot from the CD, or any other CD I throw in. So 
I'm not sugesting that this is an Ubuntu problem, but I have to ask 
Since this first showed up I've tried it with a different CD reader, no 
difference in the (lack of) response.

Can anyone send me to a good explanation on how to upgrade the bios? 
Every time I've tried to figure it out I've given up.


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