investigating streaming server options

Paul den Hertog paul at
Wed Jan 25 18:39:11 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I'm a very happy Ubuntu user, using Ubuntu since warty for both desktop
and servers. Currently i'm looking for options to replace one of our
windows (2003 entp.) servers -dedicated to streamingmedia- for an open
source linux server (nonfree is an option).

I hope one (or more) subscribers to this list have a bit more know-how
than I have on this area, and are able to give me some advice.

I am looking for a server solution which is able to stream both audio
and video. In the most ideal case the server could serve both H.264
(mp4) and wmv and ofcourse mp3.

The server will run on a vmware esx platform and bandwidth or diskspace
are no issue at all (gotta love working for research and educational
institutes ;-) ).
I would like to have a piece of software (preferrable .deb or in a
repository) that has a web interface to manage the server. Preferrably
the webinterface would have multiple userlevels so some people can
upload/publish and edit streams/metadata, but can't delete,..etc.

Looking forward to your replies,

Paul den Hertog
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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