Community Council meeting 24 january 2006

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Wed Jan 25 14:46:14 UTC 2006

Hello everyone, here is the latest news from the CC. The last meeting
brought us new members and discussion about malone and the wiki.

* The Bugzilla -> Malone transition
  Vincent Untz has raised some questions about the seemingly sudden 
  transition from Bugzilla to Malone. This transition however was 
  rather overdue than late and the problem lies in the lack of 
  communication about it. Vincent and Sebastien Bacher will work on 
  proposals to improve communation.

* Ubuntu Document Storage Facility
  The forums people are collecting howtos on a separate wiki, called 
  the Ubuntu Document Storage Facility. Some concerns were raised about 
  duplicate work but it is very easy to copy good works onto the 
  official Ubuntu wiki when needed.

* Ubuntu wiki licensing
  The french and german laws (and probably more countries are affected) 
  make it hard to use the CC:PD license for the Ubuntu wiki. The 
  wikimedia commons however has a suggestion, Benjamin Hill will check 
  it with a lawyer.

* New members
  * Edward A. Robinson and Grant Galbraith have been doing lots of work 
    for the Ubuntu forums.
  * Naaman Campbell has been creating good documentation, ducumenting 
    his steps as a system administrator using Ubuntu.
  * Licio Fernando is one of many Brazilians active in translation and 
    support. (Ubuntu BR is really growing fast it seems)
  * Anthony Mercante has doing great work packaging KDE packages for  
  * Manu Cornet started contributing to Ubuntu during the Google summer 
    of code and simply never stopped.
  * Hou Zhengpeng and Ming Hua are rocking in China, both with support 
    and with input method / CJK things

  Edard, Grant, Naaman, Licio, Anthony, Manu, Hou and Ming: Welcome 
  aboard the ever filling Ubuntu ship!

* Defered members 
  Ananda Putra has been active in Indonesia, but so far his 
  contributions are not documented. Once this has happened the 
  community council will look again at his application. 

The next meeting will be on Tuesday februari 7, 12:00 UTC
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor iedereen:
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