Ubuntu/Kubuntu on Mac G5.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Wed Jan 25 08:34:41 UTC 2006

On 24. jan 2006, at 13.49, Larry Grover wrote:

> If you hold down the "option" key while you are booting your  
> machine (start holding it down immediately after you power-on the  
> machine or immediately after you start to reboot, and continue  
> holding it down) you should get a graphical window showing you  
> icons for all the bootable devices connected to your system (I  
> think this is generated by OpenFirmware).  It should show you icons  
> for both hard drives.  You can use the mouse to select your OSX or  
> your Ubuntu drive, for booting.
> You may find the following pages describe this better than me:
> http://www.jacsoft.co.nz/Tech_Notes/Mac_Keys.htm
> http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=303124

OK, now I can get into Open Firmware. It is the option-command-o-f  
keys at the same time. I couldn't get it to work as I was using an  
old keyboard where the keys apparently are some what intermittent.



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