Need OSX for older iMac (Off Topic - I know)

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Wed Jan 25 04:13:41 UTC 2006

On 1/24/06, Richard Colbert Jr <richard at> wrote:
> > >You'd have to read the EULA on your OS X installer but, at the very
> > >least, it is restricted to your model! (so, it will not work on this
> > >wannabe *hief's machine anyway :-)
> > >
> I appreciate the hell out of you calling me a thief. If I wanted a PIRATED
> copy, I would have freaking downloaded it. I wouldn't have gone on a Mac
> list that I know is monitored by Apple and asked for it.

I will apologise publicly for implying you were a thief (which you
evidently and convincingly deny).

However, in all fairness, your original post did lead me (and others)
to question the legality of the request:

"If anyone out there has OSX I could sure use it. I can't afford to go
buy it right now, but I will try to return the favor some how."

`I can't afford to go buy it right now' and `Return the favor some
how' would suggest that you were not exactly worried about the
niceties of licences, but, your response has suggested otherwise (at
the risk of drawing Dennis the Candlemaker (sorry, couldn't resist the
translation... it's a great name) into this, you may also want to read
his response to your initial request (it was a lot harsher than my
comment ;-)).

Anyway, bury the hatchet and all that jazz.

PS These Apple type queries belong, at best on the "sounder" list,
and, at worst not at all on any of these lists.


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