X server unhappy with Nvidia onboard video controller

Paul VanHouten paulvh at direcway.com
Fri Jan 20 15:50:54 UTC 2006


I'm trying to install Ubuntu v5.10 (either 32 or 64 bit) on a new Asus A8N-VM CSM motherboard using the integrated GeForce 6150 video.  The install runs smoothly but when X Windows tries to start it fails with a message: 'Fatal server error: no screens found' .  The NVidia web site indicated there was a problem with Linux and the GeForce 6150 and provided a driver update file 
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8174-pkg1.run to be executed as a shell script.

The .run file won't run under the 64 bit OS so I installed the 32 bit version and retried it. However it can't find the binutils ld command and neither can I (the man command doesn't know it and the find command can't find it) .  My search of the Ubuntu resources suggests that the binutils package is loaded but I found nothing explicit.  I also looked at some NVidia repair/update procedures however they did not appear to be related to my problem. I'm stuck and looking for suggestions about how to proceed.


Paul VH
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