Automatically re-size graphics and brand ?

Yuki Cuss celtic at
Tue Jan 24 11:10:27 UTC 2006

Darren Wyn Rees wrote:

>I wonder if the following is possible with Ubuntu.  I'm currently doing
>it laboriously with proprietory software :
>Process a collection of photographs in a directory ...
>* Automatically re-size the photographs to a pre-set size
>* Add a 'stamp' or some sort of copyright image on the bottom
>  right corner of the image
>Suggestions on what software to look at appreciated.

Okay. Let's say you've got a bunch of JPEGs in your directory. This 
script will resize them all:

[begin script!]


STAMP=stamp.png      # note that a transparent PNG will work best ; )

for i in *.jpg
    convert -resize `echo $WIDTH`x`echo $HEIGHT` $i `echo -n resized_; 
echo $i`
    composite $STAMP `echo -n resized_; echo $i` `echo -n composed_; 
echo $i`
    rm `echo -n resized_; echo $i`

[end script!]

Please note that you need ImageMagick installed (sudo apt-get install 
This should work, but please test in a restricted environment first to 
make sure it won't ruin anything! You may have to tinker. See `convert 
--help' and `compose --help' for more information!

 - Yuki.

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