Case modding an iMac "Tangerine" G3

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Sun Jan 22 15:10:29 UTC 2006

Richard Colbert Jr wrote:

> Okay, I have this iMac (the 15” with everything built into the 
> monitor). What I want to do is be able to use a Hard Drive Caddy 
> (removable tray) to switch between two 40GB hard drives. I want to 
> have OSX (Tiger) installed on one and Ubuntu (and/or other linux os’s) 
> installed on the other. Has anyone ever done this, know where I can 
> find a tutorial, have any ideas on how to do this or think I am 
> FRACKING NUTS for trying.
are you talking about a hotswap tray? Because for those, you can buy 
5.25" devices, but I think it wqould be close to impossible to make it 
at home. If there is no space availablecut a bay.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Richard Colbert

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