Judaism, Islam, The Debate: which is best? ( was: Re: Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?)

Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón eduardo.saenz-de-cabezon at dmc.unirioja.es
Fri Jan 20 11:46:43 UTC 2006

El vie, 20-01-2006 a las 18:04 +0700, Chanchao escribió:
> Apple MacOS until quite recently was Muslim. As soon as you did
> something the System didn't like, you got a bomb on your screen with
> preciously little explanation. :)

I usually don't post on this kind of "topics" but I think this is going
a bit too far. Of course you're joking, but some jokes can be offensive.
In particular this can be offensive for some muslim people, and I think
we should try not to offend anyone...

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