Ubuntu as a server

Yuki Cuss celtic at sairyx.org
Thu Jan 19 13:17:33 UTC 2006

Duncan Anderson wrote:

> I should like to know whether it is problematic to use Ubuntu Linux as 
> a host/server. In other words, should there be any problem with 
> installing Ubuntu, enabling the root user login, and configuring the 
> machine as a mail or proxy server or as an SQL server or the like?
> It seems to me from reading this mailing list that most people use it 
> as a replacement for Windows. In other words they use it as a 
> workstation or home pc.
> Do any of the members of this list have any suggestions, advice, 
> warnings, caveats, or otherwise to offer me regarding Ubuntu's use as 
> a server?
> I work with Mandrake, RedHat, SUSe, Debian and FreeBSD machines 
> configured as servers (or hosts, a term which I prefer in the context 
> of UNIX/Linux) as well a various flavours of UNIX. I am curious to 
> find out whether anyone sees Ubuntu as a serious rival to SUSe or RHEL 
> or Mandrake Enterprise or the like.
> My gut feeling is that there should be no problem with getting it to 
> act as a reliable back office machine.
> The reason I am asking about this is because "Universe" and 
> "Multiverse" software repositories are very impressive, and I like the 
> Debian package management format.
> Hoping for a bit of feedback...
> Duncan

Typically, you will not want to enable the root login. Instead, have a 
user account (such as yours) with sudo access, so you can step up to 
root access just for what you need.

I've used all of MySQL, Bind, Sendmail/Postfix/what have you, Apache (1 
and 2), OpenSSHd, ProFTPd, DHCPd and several servers more on Ubuntu, and 
they all work excellently.

 - Yuki.

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