Mysql install help

Billy Verreynne (JW) VerreyB at
Thu Jan 19 07:41:49 UTC 2006

Wade Smart wrote:

> I tried to do this, install mysql, some months ago but hit so many
> obstacles that I just put it off. Now Im trying again.

Well, mySQL is a bunch of.. er.. smelly stuff. If you honestly need an
Open Source rdbms (i.e. as in access to db core engine source code),
use Firebird.

If you need a -proper- database that is not only free, but is part of
the leading technical database product suite on this planet, get
Oracle XE.

With Oracle XE you have a 5 user license, single CPU and 4GB db
capability. It comes with HTMLDB which is a full blown web development
system that only needs a web browser for developers to do their thing.
(think of Microsoft Access on steroids, running via the web).

And Oracle XE works out-of-the-rpm on Ubuntu. And is -totally- free.


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